Royal Newcastle Aero Club


Royal Newcastle Aero Club Flight Training Tiger Moth Joy FlightsA joint venture between Hunter Land and Royal Newcastle Aero Club has progressed well, with development.

This successful project will change the financial fortunes of the club in that Royal Newcastle Aero Club will have a cash flow that is not flying dependent, and outgoings in rates and interest costs will be less.

Another successful flying scholarship was conducted during 2004 with 148 entrants – these scholarships are always very popular and encourage many aviation enthusiasts to ‘give flying a go’.

Late in 2004 Royal Newcastle Aero Club joined with the Social Club, Holden Car Club, Rotary, Fire Brigade and SES to host an open charity day. At least 3000 attended, but probably more. Over $8,000 was donated to Westpac Rescue Helicopter and the Starlight Foundation.

Unfortunately, the Newcastle Aero Club Social Club closed its doors in 2007 for the last time.  Over the years it was a popular venue for good times and a great place for reliving flying adventures. Our Annual Pilots Dinners and Wings Nights were just some of the memorable events held there.

The strong history of achievements continued as this historic flying training organization moved into its 80th year in 2008.  The Club held a celebratory dinner in the Newcastle Town Hall with many of our older members attending, again enjoying the camaraderie of fellow aviators over the decades.

Royal Newcastle Aero Club has followed the trend and has moved into Recreational Aviation, firstly cross hiring and then purchasing our own aircraft.  The Club also welcomed a new operator to the airfield – Skydive Maitland provides the ultimate thrill for those enjoying this aspect of aviation.